Friday, August 26, 2011

Notice These Posts Have Been Reordered

Don't forget to check out God's Computer Manual 2
Old Testament computing was never like this.  

Please note the posts in this blog have been reordered to a top-down order and grouped all within one month for your convenience. The posts give a better read when the #1 etc. sequence is followed.

These posts are only suggestions you may use at your own discretion.

The guarantee you'll want to hold tight to is quoted here from Psalm 126:6

He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

My own mission is in the "Grandfather's Psalm" 71:18:
Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1 - Intro

God’s Computer Manual - 1 - Intro

Trios are so neat - whether it’s singers, shapes, or scriptures. Triangles are simple yet the most strong rigid shape God has given us. It’s no wonder then He presents Himself to us in the Blessed Trinity.

I’d like to present another God-given trio to you.
1. Certainly, always first, is God Himself. He reminds us often He never changes.
2. He gave us technology; computers. They change every day in speed, price and complexity.
3. Doesn’t it just thrill your soul, in all His wisdom, He gave us the Bible; THE perfect computer companion for Christians? The Bible is the absolute pinnacle of direction to show us how to use technology in a way that pleases Him (and puts us at our best). He never leaves His loved ones (you and I) hanging.

WHY DO CHURCHES CONTINUALLY ROB CHILDREN…” is the beginning of my blog I’d like to nail to every God-fearin’ church door (and the others too!). The rest of the statement is:
Why do churches continually rob children and their parents of desperately needed scriptural principles of technology use and safety? Yet they employ the latest presentation and administration technology in services, classes, and conferences - often to show recognized attendance downtrends - especially among youth.

Another of mine is: “Moving technology from the pocket to pulpit messages.”
Possibly we need to (lovingly) preach to the pulpit(s), the principles from scripture regarding the technology that has become the idol of the church and backbone of all those who attend.

I’m a Christian, programmer, and Bible reader for many years. I’ve found that old black book with yellow ragged pages, stained with tears of stormy weather, to be a goldmine of tips, truths, and tests for our keyboards, mice, and the fingers that touch them.
This won’t be the last time I remind you of the promise of 2nd Tim 3:16, 17… all good works.

These ‘GOD’S COMPUTER MANUAL’ topics are the DIRECTIONS arm of Evangelism Computing©. (Do you remember the other arm is DECIPLING?)

All of the Evangelism Computing resources are available for free, no strings attached; download at

Psalms 71:18

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2 - Look What's Missing

God's Computer Manual -

Ever noticed what your Bible is missing?

Those 66 writers all penned what its one Author dictated. We are so blessed to have inspired scripture in our own language and allowed to read and share it openly with pride.

But have you noticed what’s missing?

As a book-taught computer programmer for over a quarter century, the how-to manual for my favorite computer program has 1293 pages and is almost 3 inches thick. Even with all those pages the authors thought there would be too much left out, so they included a CD in the back cover. 

Now what’s a bit disturbing is that I can’t get all the directions about doing a certain thing without having a computer system nearby to look on the CD for any additional information for which I’m searching. Often I’ll check out a library book and its CD will be missing, not compatible with my CD drive, or even scratched.

With great joy I open my Bible to its back cover and see it missing!... any required CD or its pouch. 

I can savor all of God’s precious word with no more tools that searching hands and an open heart charged with faith!

Now that’s not all… Also in my computer book is a final page that has a website URL on it. The page tells me to go to the website to find out all the mistakes and additional omissions that are required to make my programming book reliable.

Oh! This gets good!

Look in the back of your Bible and THAT’S MISSING TOO! There is no place we need to go to for corrections and additions. God has it all right there in your hands.
Furthermore, God has placed a guardian over your Bible with terrible consequences if anyone takes away or adds to scripture. Two of the last four verses of scripture say so.

We are so blessed to have Bibles available to us. You can say they are less than free. (or is that more than free?) We can download on-line Bibles for free that ALSO include search functions, integrated dictionaries, commentaries, maps, word pronunciation, personal note storage, and compatibility with other publishing software.

I can hardly wait to begin showing you all the neat computing PRINCIPLES our Bible contains so you and your loved-ones can creatively, safely, honor God with your keyboarding efforts.

My Bible even has tears in it from my stormy weather moments. 
That won't happen with a CD.

Oh! He’s so good to you and I. He sure loves to be told that often…

Psalms 71:18

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3 - Strange Database

God’s Computer Manual

As we begin this series
 of finding computing PRINCIPLES in scripture, this is nothing like doin’ DiVinci Diversions, or hunting space ships, or aliens in scripture. We won’t be using any software to discover hidden code. We’ll be seeing truths already in scripture teens and above can understand and share. You can likely find some of your own…The process uses only three tips as follows:

1. Read your Bible slowly… actually 
FEED on the inspired words.
2. As you 
FEED, open your heart a little wider.
EXPECT to be blessed… God said He would… put your PRIDE in the sleep mode.
Look at any telephone book list. The phone list has a definite shape to it.
Last names, then first, an address, and then phone number. Each line is like that.
A list like this is called a database. Computers use up databases like children go through ice cream. 

I want to show you something that thrills me no end. Turn to Matthew chapter 16.

Jesus asks some questions of His disciples that demonstrate a perfect database with an intriguing twist. Look in Matthew 16:9.

Do ye yet not understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets took ye up?” And in the next verse, “Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?” 

Now, remember the phone list? …
Name, --address, --phone number…
name, --address, --phone number. Jesus’ database list is
Food used, --people served, --leftovers…
food used, --people served, --leftovers.
Five loaves, --five thousand, --baskets left.
Seven loaves, --four thousand, --baskets left?
That’s a perfect example of how a database list is shaped.
Wow!. Organized computer thinking taught from God’s Word.

Jesus quizzes His deciples with:

how many baskets ye took up? how many baskets ye took up? How is it that ye do not understand…” 

The twist I see is, whenever we relate these two catering events, we concentrate on the people and the provisions. Jesus was trying to get His disciples to think on a higher level… LEFTOVERS.

Leftovers. When the obvious is separated from the whole, what is left over? Why is it left out? Is there some good we can get out of it?
To demonstrate this principle, students can make a database on their computer, whether they have one or not. They can list ALL their neighborhood friends. They can add a column showing each one that came to the backyard picnic. And then add a column of the ones that came to the sticky Jell-O battle. Etc. etc.
Now, because the list of neighbors and their attendance is in a database format it is very easy to see which events were the most popular.
But what about the leftovers? Who didn’t come to any event? Why didn’t they come? Could they be timid? Do they need a friend? Do they need transportation? Could they have hearing or speaking challenges?
Has God placed them as my neighbor for me to learn some neat things from them? Shall I work harder to become their friend?

Gentile believers are the most blessed of leftovers. We were adopted into a family God calls His own. If that don't make you shout and share with someone your blesser is broke.
Psalms 71:18
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Monday, August 22, 2011

4 - Don't Touch That Keyboard!

Gods Computer Manual 

Someone once said, “The most important part of computing is what is done before you touch the keyboard.” He was referring to preparation. A crucial part of that preparation is called, Computer Grace.

We should begin with a simple analogy.
Your mouth is watering big-time as you sit down to the dinner table. The smells of all your favorite foods give promise of really good things about to be enjoyed. Your mind can hardly squeeze in reminders of proper table manners and rules of the road. Way off in the distance your racing thoughts try to warn you what happens when you eat too much of this or not enough of that. Your eyes tell the hands to pick up the spoon over here and the fork over there and dive in.
But then… reality grabs control of you. You admonish yourself with, “Hey! Wait a minute. I need to thank God for all this tasty food, the work that went into preparing it, and a wonderfully designed body to enjoy it. Then I also must ask God to lead me in using its energy to glorify Him.”
Table grace has become an important prelude to our meals. It is a systematic reminder to us and the rest of our family of our gratitude for God’s provision. We practice table grace because Jesus Christ did. He taught His followers this crucial beginning to every meal. Take a moment and review the reasons why you practice table grace.
Now. For the very same reasons, and more, we MUST practice Computer Grace. Scripture makes it very clear that technology comes from God and we are to use it to honor Him as we carry out the Great Commission. 1st Tim 3:16, 17 tell us that our operating manual on how to do this is scripture itself.
A simple but powerful promise is listed in Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Our Computer Grace prayer to God would include:

• Praise to Him for His Goodness and Who He is.
• Thanks to Him for His gifts of technology and talents to use it.
• His leadership in us not wasting our keyboard time and His provisions.
• To tithe part of our keyboard time to evangelism and our local church.
• Focus and determination to see the project through.
• His blessing on the results of our work.

If you don’t practice Computer Grace, you don’t really understand the power to build up and destroy just beyond the keycaps… and you don’t understand the power of heartfelt words followed by Amen, that can build, protect, and chastise.

Psalms 71:18
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

5 - Computer QUICKSAND!

God’s Computer Manual 

Scripture gives many warnings/principles about deceitful and lying communication and God’s wrath on those who participate. Numbered among the Ten Commandments, lying (bearing false witness) is a critically important sin in God’s eyes, and it should be in ours also.

The importance of resisting the temptation to lie is really driven home to those people who have to be told things more than once. Read Proverbs 6:16-19:

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

In this list of seven things that God says He hates, THREE of them refer to lying and deceitful communication. Which are they?

2nd Timothy 3:13 uses the crucial phrases needed to really nail down the matter: “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” God’s inspired words, “wax worse and worse” describe the continual downhill destruction of the human soul. These evil men are even deceiving themselves, as they deceive others.

But in the very next verse, God’s matchless truths provide the remedy:

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.”

In this Fast Track Technology Age, evil deeds have never been greater. Have you noticed how they prey on small children? Scares me and I started programming computers before there were hard drives. We stored our programs on cassette recorders. (I’m old... man![68])

We must continually monitor our witness – our communication. Especially with the characteristics of computer communication. Satan never takes a vacation from trying to snare us and destroy our testimony for Jesus Christ.

Psalms 71:18

Saturday, August 20, 2011

6 - Power Google

God's Computer Manual 

At a fast food restaurant you take a seat with your food. Your receipt simply states, “3 pc dinner, + breadstick, - hush puppies, + baked potato, - French fries.” Looking at the receipt only, what is on your tray and what does it say is NOT --assuming the clerk and computer were paying attention to each other? Everywhere a + appears on your receipt substitute the word “AND”. Also, replace the – with “NOT”. 

Long before desktop computers, God explained that the Jewish people could only eat certain groups of cattle (beasts). The features of these edible cattle were explained in Leviticus 11:2-12. The features were:

“Parteth the hoof”, AND “is clovenfooted” AND “cheweth the cud”  = OK to eat.
 Supper had to meet ALL THREE of these requirements because of the “AND” words. God gave the people an example of an animal that DID NOT meet all three characteristics as He talked about swine in verse 7:

 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.

Divided hoof AND is clovenfooted NOT cheweth the cud = DO NOT eat.
In the verse, you could be fancy and replace the “AND”s and “NOT”s with plusses and minuses.
 +Divided hoof   +clovenfooted    cheweth cud   =   do not eat.

When searching the web for things, the same kind of advanced selecting is being used, as in Leviticus 11. You’re selecting hits from over a TRILLION webpages based on detailed characteristics. You want web pages (called ‘hits’) that have this AND this AND this but NOT that. 

When writing statements like the previous statement, the rules of logic notation developed by George Boole, a British mathematician in 1815, are being followed. Is it possible George was a Bible reader and actually learned his notation from our Creator by reading Leviticus 11?

The Internet search engines like Yahoo, Bing, and Google use advanced query statements in the search window using Boolean Logic Notation. The very same advanced detailed logic can be used in looking for a book at a library’s digital book catalog.

It’s a blast to find principles for better computing in God’s Word. It becomes even neater to find them in the “old” part of God’s Word. In referring to Leviticus 11, God could say, “You heard it here first.”

Psalms 71:18